Wednesday, April 28, 2010

1. Set a goal, set a goal of something want to achieve or do before you die.

2. Never back down, never give up at something you keep losing at if you fall down get right back up and do it again.

3. Be respectful, be nice to people, don’t make fun of them because of what they do or say.

4. Exercise, exercise a lot so then you can keep fit and healthy.

5. Keep your body healthy, if you keep your body healthy you will live a longer time then having an unhealthy body.

6. Have fun, always have fun by trying to make all the boring things fun.

7. Never say Never; never say you can’t do something because you always can do it.
8. Do well in school, doing well in school and you will do well in life.

9. Always stick up for yourself, if someone is making fun of you stick up for yourself and don’t let them walk all over you.

10. Always try new things, don’t do the something over and over again try something new whether its sports or anything else try it.

Friday, February 26, 2010


The sports I like to play are Soccer, baseball, football, basketball, snowboarding, and motocross. I like to play soccer because I’ve been playing soccer since I was four years old and still are playing now. I play left forward and I am really I get a lot of goal each season. I like to play baseball because I think it’s a really cool sport but I don’t play in a league but I play pickup games with m friends sometimes. I normally pitch because I can throw the ball fast and accurate. I’m not so good at bating but I play the field pretty good.
I like to play football because it’s just a fun sport to play and you can make your own plays and try to get touchdowns to beat the other team. I used to play football, I played wide receiver I was pretty good because I was fast but after that year I quit because the coach didn’t play me that much and I had soccer the same time of year as football. I like to play basketball because it’s really fun and you have to shoot the ball in to the hoop to score either 2 points or 3. I never played on a league but I still like to play it at my house and with my friends.
I like to snowboard because every day you get better and better. You have to have good balance and the drive to practice it to get better and I’m pretty good at it to. I like to ride motocross with my friends I don’t go into competitions and stuff like that I normally go to my friends house and ride there I think it’s pretty fun because it’s hard to do and you need a lot of balance to do it.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy valentime's day.

I love my family, soccer, baseball, and games, chocolate, winter, and summer. I love my family because they do everything for me and help me. I love soccer because it’s a great sport to play and it’s challenging. I love baseball because it’s an exciting sport to play. I love games because you can play them when you have nothing else to do. I love chocolate because it has a very good taste to it. I love winter because you can get snow day to get school off for one day, and you can go sledding and snowboarding and have snowball fights. I love summer because you get two months off of school and its warm and you can go swimming and play soccer and baseball and football ext.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy ThanksGiving

My all time most delicious Thanks giving menu is…
1. Turkey
2. Mashed Potatoes
3. Stuffing
4. Cranberry
5. Ham
6. Deviled Eggs
7. Corn
8. Biscuits
9. Muffins
10. Green Beans
11. Pumpkin Pie
12. Sweet Potatoes

I like the Turkey because that’s the main food for Thanks Giving and it taste really good.
I like the mashed potatoes because they taste really good with gravy.
I like the stuffing because I’ve just always liked it and it just tastes really good.
The Cranberry’s are the best I think because it just has a really good flavor to it.
The Ham I like more than the turkey.
The Deviled Eggs just have a great taste.
Corn is good because it’s healthy and good for you.
I like the biscuits because you can put honey or butter on them and then it would taste really good.
I like the muffins because there all sorts of flavors like chocolate chip, blueberry, and strawberry.
I like green beans because they taste really good and they’re really healthy for you.
Pumpkin pie is my favorite because it’s the desert and it’s my favorite kind of pie.
Sweet potatoes are good because they just taste really good.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Career Exploration

Professional Athlete
What kind of degree or certification do you need?
There are no educational requirements to be a professional athlete. However, it is advisable for potential athletes to take advantage of any educational benefits (college scholarships, for example) that are offered through sports involvement.
How long does it take to get the necessary training?
During the season and pre-season, an athlete usually spends around 4 hours a day, 5 days a week on physical conditioning and practice. And there may be a team or individual strategy meetings.
What kind of work will you be doing?
Professional Athletes will be training, practicing, working out and traveling.
What kind of wages will you be paid per hour/week?
Athletes generally earn between $20,000 and $90,000 a year.

Stunt person
What kind of degree or certification do you need?
There are no formal educational requirements for stunt people. It is a hard business to get into, and any experience in the film business is an asset.
How long does it take to get the necessary training?
Stunt people have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Depending on what they are asked to do, they risk broken bones, burns, and other types of severe injury on a daily basis. It is for this reason that stunt people spend a great deal of time maintaining their physical conditioning and coordination.
What kind of work will you be doing?
Falling from a tall building or rolling a brand-new car, leaping from planes, dodging explosions, or being set on fire.
What kind of wages will you be paid per hour/week?
Experienced stunt people usually earn between $50,000 and $200,000 a year.

Friday, November 13, 2009


1. Professional Athlete
2. Fisher
3. Dancer
4. Courier / Messenger
5. Tow Truck Driver
6. Stunt person
7. Animal Trainer
8. Model
9. Heavy Equipment Operator
10. Road Construction and Maintenance Worker

The careers I would like to explore further are a Professional Athlete and a Stunt person.
I’m interested in being a Professional Athlete because I’ve been playing sports my whole life and I’ve always wanted to be a Professional Athlete. My sisters got me interested in sports from them playing soccer. So I got into soccer because I liked playing it. And you get payed a lot of money if you play in a professional league and you get famous.

I’m interested in being a Stunt person because I like to perform outrages stunts and I like to have fun. I like to work with heights and doing stunts and I think its fun to do because you get to make people laugh and have fun with stuff. You would get to experience new stunts and make your own.

Friday, November 6, 2009


1) Q: Where were lemons first found?

2) Q: What gets wet the more you dry?

3) Q: What occurs 4 times in every week, 2 times in every month, & once in a year?

4) Q: Why did the girl turn in her math book?

5) Q: What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment but never in a day?

6) Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king ruins town . And beats high mountain down. What am I?
7) I can sizzle like bacon,
I am made with an egg,
I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg,
I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole,
I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole,
What am I?
8) What year in this century is the same when its number is turned upside down?
9) What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats?
10) The one who makes it, sells it. The one who buys it, never uses it. The one that uses it never knows that he's using it. What is it?